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Corto Maltese album, La Ligne de vie T17 FR N&B (2024)
€25.00 In stockIn the late 1920s, Corto Maltese is in Mexico, on a new mission for Bouche Dorée. He must negotiate a batch of Mayan antiquities with an unscrupulous archaeologist. But as always, nothing will go as planned and our sailor finds himself forced to transport a load of weapons for the Christeros. Black and white edition. 96 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, La Ligne de vie T17 FR (2024)
€17.00 In stockIn the late 1920s, Corto Maltese is in Mexico, on a new mission for Bouche Dorée. He must negotiate a batch of Mayan antiquities with an unscrupulous archaeologist. But as always, nothing will go as planned and our sailor finds himself forced to transport a load of weapons for the Christeros. Color edition. 80 pages. French.
Catalogue of the exposition Corto Maltese BPI Centre Pompidou (Une vie...
€25.00 In stockThe catalogue of the Corto Maltese exhibition at the Public Information Library (BPI). Language: French. 144 pages.
Album Corto Maltese - La Reine de Babylone - Luxury edition N&B FR (2023)
€35.00 In stockAutumn 2002. While a new war is brewing in Iraq, in Venice, traffickers are celebrating. Corto is there alongside Semira and her clique of Bosnians, to play pirates... But when love, honor and fortune collide, inevitably misfortune breaks out... Black and white Luxury edition. 184 pages. French.
Album Corto Maltese - La Reine de Babylone N&B FR (2023)
€22.00 In stockAutumn 2002. While a new war is brewing in Iraq, in Venice, traffickers are celebrating. Corto is there alongside Semira and her clique of Bosnians, to play pirates... But when love, honor and fortune collide, inevitably misfortune breaks out... Black and white edition . 168 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Nocturnes berlinois T16 FR (2022)
€17.00 In stockAutumn 1924, Corto must find a very dear friend in Berlin. But when he arrives in the German capital, he discovers that he has been murdered. He then embarks on an investigation to find his killer, and obtain, if not justice, at least revenge. Color edition. 72 pages. French.
Set of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Corto with Raspoutine (17,5x13cm)
€4.95 In stockSet of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Corto with Raspoutine. Dimensions: 17,5x13cm.
Set of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Dedicated to Corto (17,5x13cm)
€4.95 In stockSet of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Dedicated to Corto. Dimensions: 17,5x13cm.
Set of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, walking from behind (17,5x13cm)
€4.95 In stockSet of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, walking from behind. Dimensions: 17,5x13cm.
Corto Maltese album, Le jour de Tarowean T15 FR (2019)
€16.00 In stockTasmania, fall 1912. Corto and Rasputin free a young man, Calaboose, imprisoned on an abandoned island. They take him with them across the Indian Ocean to Borneo, where they meet the Sultan of Sarawak. New color edition. 48 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Équatoria T14 FR (2015)
€16.00 In stock1911, between Venice and the jungles of equatorial Africa, Corto searches for the "mirror of priest John", a mysterious object brought back from the Crusades. On his way, he meets three women with strangely complementary destinies: Aïda, an enterprising journalist, Ferida, an explorer in search of her missing father, and Afra, a former slave. New color edition. 76 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Sous le soleil de minuit T13 FR (2015)
€16.00 In stock1915, Corto Maltese crosses the frozen expanses of the far north, between the United States and Canada. He carries a message that his friend Jack London addresses to a love of youth. In exchange, the writer promises Corto a new adventure, and a mysterious treasure! New color edition. 82 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Mû, La Cité perdue T12 FR (2015)
€20.00 In stockSouth Pacific, 1925. Corto Maltese reunites with Rasputin, Steiner, Tristan Bantam and Golden Mouth to explore an unknown island, believed to hold one of the last entrances to the sunken continent of Mu, also known as Atlantis. New color edition. 172 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Les Helvétiques T11 FR (2015)
€16.00 In stockSwitzerland, 1921. Invited by his friend Steiner to a meeting of alchemists, Corto Maltese still loses himself in his initiatory readings. Immersed in a dream, he will have to, between macabre dance and diabolical trial, discover the source of eternal life: the Holy Grail! New color edition. 72 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Les Ethiopiques T5 FR (2015)
€18.00 In stockFour adventures set in the Horn of Africa. Corto will meet the famous savage warrior Danakil there. New color edition. 96 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Les Celtiques T4 FR (2015)
€20.00 In stockEurope 1917. As the war drags on, spies and traitors are more dangerous than ever. From bombed Venice to Ireland in full revolt, via Stonehenge and its spells, Corto Maltese has a hard time getting out of it. New color edition. 136 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Toujours un peu plus loin T3 FR (2015)
€18.00 In stockCentral America, 1917. Corto Maltese navigates troubled waters: a revolution in a banana republic, a trial for witchcraft on a lost island, and even slavers, crossed in the depths of the Peruvian jungle. New color edition. 112 pages. French.
Set of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Portrait (17,5x13cm)
€4.95 In stockSet of 20 envelopes Corto Maltese, Portrait. Dimensions: 17,5x13cm.
Corto Maltese album, Tango T10 FR (2015)
€18.00 In stockBuenos Aires, 1923. It is revenge that brings Corto Maltese back to Argentina, where one of his friends has been murdered. He intends to discover those responsible, and whatever their importance in the local mafia, punish them in his own way... New color edition. 108 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, La jeunesse T9 FR (2015)
€16.00 In stock1904, Manchuria. Corto Maltese was not yet 17 when, in the midst of the Russo-Japanese war, his friend Jack London asked him to help flee a young Russian deserter named Rasputin. New color edition. 69 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, La Maison dorée de Samarkand T8 FR (2015)
€20.00 In stockAnatolia, 1921. What attracts Corto Maltese to the ancient Silk Road, through an empire in the midst of chaos? Find the treasure of Alexander the Great or free Rasputin from his Ottoman prison? New color edition. 143 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Fable de Venise T7 FR (2015)
€18.00 In stock1921, Venice. Corto Maltese is looking for an emerald with mysterious powers. But he is not alone in this quest, the jewel also arousing the envy of fascists and even certain Freemasons... New color edition. 104 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, En Sibérie T6 FR (2015)
€18.00 In stockAsia, 1918. Corto Maltese and Rasputin embark on a treasure hunt for a Chinese secret society. This is an armored train filled with gold to be contested with warlords, White Russians, and other Mongol revolutionaries. New color edition. 104 pages. French.
Corto Maltese album, Sous le signe du Capricorne T2 FR (2015)
€20.00 In stock1915, in the Caribbean. Corto Maltese befriends Tristan Bantam, a somewhat naive young Englishman, Steiner, a former professor at the University of Prague and Bouche Dorée, the voodoo priestess who seems to already know everything about him! The album Sous le signe du Capricorne brings together 6 adventures by Corto Maltese. New color edition. 136 pages. French.